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Teach childREN to save

Eglin Federal Credit Union, The First Bank and  Okaloosa Saves partner in the annual Teach Children to Save campaign April 1 - June 30.

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America saves week

Since 2007 America Saves Week has been an annual celebration as well as a call to action for everyday Americans to commit to saving successfully.

our mission

Okaloosa Saves is a nonprofit 501(c)(3). Since 2003, our mission has been to encourage positive financial action by raising awareness and educating the community on how to make smart choices when it comes to saving for the future, building wealth and reducing debt.

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  • July 16, 2024 9:37 AM | Anonymous

    Eglin Federal Credit Union partnered with Okaloosa Saves and The First Bank for the annual Teach Children to Save campaign April 1 – June 30. Youth were encouraged to set a savings goal and make a deposit into their savings account. Their names were entered into a random drawing for six children to win a $50 deposit into their savings account from Okaloosa Saves. Winners were invited to the Okaloosa Board of County Commissioners board meeting on Tuesday, July 16 to receive their certificates and recognition.


    This year, there were 106 youth from Eglin FCU and six youth from The First Bank under the age of 18 who participated in the Okaloosa Saves Teach Children to Save campaign with deposits totaling $20,169.64. Since the program began in 2004, 2,398 children made deposits totaling $393,610.


    The six winners were:

    Calvin Hopper, Crestview

    Keegan Hughes, Miramar Beach (The First Bank), not pictured

    Emily Pear Kirkpatrick, Crestview, not pictured

    Norrace Lampert, Niceville

    Santana Stewart, Freeport

    Anakin Tedder, Niceville


    Chairman Paul Mixon, District 1, said, “I commend the winners and all of the children who participated in this year’s Okaloosa Saves Teach Children to Save campaign. It’s encouraging to see how the Okaloosa Saves program continues to promote the importance of saving, reducing debt and creating financial wellness. We appreciate the work and progress this program has achieved over the years in teaching our children how to build a sound foundation of financial stability.”


    Eglin Federal Credit Union President/CEO Jerry Williams said, “We look forward to offering this youth savings program every year because it is so important to teach children about the importance of saving. Eglin FCU has proudly partnered with Okaloosa Saves for 20 years to help provide financial education to our community, and we plan to continue this effort for years to come.”


    Sherry Harlow, APR, who serves on the Okaloosa Saves Board as the Treasurer said, “I have served on Okaloosa Saves for 21 years and am pleased to see the impact the Teaching Children to Save program has made over the years with $393,610 saved by area youth.”


    Savings Tips for Parents:

    ·        Talk about the importance of budgeting and saving money

    ·        Visit your local EFCU branch to open a savings account or deposit into an existing account

    ·        Teach the basics of investing

    ·        Encourage them to be entrepreneurs

    ·        Be a role model

  • March 13, 2024 8:26 AM | Anonymous

    The Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners proclaimed April 8-12, 2024, Okaloosa Saves and America Saves Week at their Board meeting Tuesday, March 12. The theme for 2024 is Saving for What Matters Most.

    Since 2007 America Saves Week has been an annual celebration as well as a call to action for everyday Americans to commit to saving successfully. Through the support of thousands of participating organizations, together we encourage individuals to do a financial check-in that allows them to get a clear view of their finances, set savings goals and create a plan to achieve them.

    “We would like to thank the Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners for helping bring awareness to the importance of saving,” said Okaloosa Saves Board Chair Laura Coale. “Personal and household savings is fundamental to Okaloosa County resident’s stability and vitality.”

    The following was proclaimed:

    WHEREAS, personal and household savings is fundamental to Okaloosa County resident’s stability and vitality; and

    WHEREAS, adequate emergency savings, retirement funds, and safe debtincome ratios are critical components of personal financial security; and

    WHEREAS, America Saves is a national campaign that encourages and motivates Americans to take-action towards financial stability through saving money for emergencies and reducing debt; and

    WHEREAS, Okaloosa Saves is a partner in the America Saves Week campaign and is committed to helping our citizens and businesses take immediate financial action to save successfully; and

    NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners that we do hereby RECOGNIZE AND PROCLAIM the week of April 8th - 12th, 2024 as


    and call upon all members of our committees to start or increase an emergency fund, and members and businesses to encourage the opening of savings accounts, encourage split deposit for savings, increasing 401k contributions, and challenging employees to save for goals and to take other positive emergency saving actions during OKALOOSA SAVES WEEK and AMERICA SAVES WEEK, and pledge to sustain that action during the following year.

    DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of March, 2024.

    Learn more about America Saves Week at and  


    Photo Caption: The Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners proclaim April 8-12, 2024, Okaloosa Saves and America Saves Week. Pictured left to right: Vice Chairman and District 3 Commissioner Nathan Boyles, District 4 Commissioner Trey Goodwin, Okaloosa Saves Board Chair Laura Coale, District 2 Commissioner Carolyn Ketchel, Okaloosa Saves Treasurer Sherry Harlow, and Chairman and District 1 Commissioner Paul Mixon.

Savings Champion RecIpient

2023 Community Impact Award - Read more. 

2023 Savings Champion Award - Read more

2022 Savings Champion Award - Read more

On the Air with Dan DIAMOND on WFTW

Brenda Smith from Okaloosa Saves joins NewsTalk WFTW 1260 AM and 107.5 FM for an interview on America Saves Week 2022!

Listen Now

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Member Benefits

  Online access to free financial education resources through our partner organization, America Saves.

  Access to participation in the annual America Saves Week

  Invite to local educational and community events

  Any member in good standing will have the right to vote for candidates to serve on the Board of Directors

  Eligible to join Eglin Federal Credit Union


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